Do you get a refund if Alaska cancels your flight?

When Alaska cancels your flight, you can get a refund from them. The refund that you receive will depend on specific terms and conditions. These terms and conditions of Alaska about the refund if Alaska cancels your flight are as follows:
  • You can get a refund or credit only when the purchase has been made on, the Alaska Airlines ticket counter, or the Alaska Airlines reservation call center.
  • Tickets must not contain saver fare after the first 24 hours of booking.
  • Purchased tickets also must not contain any government fare.
  • The flight must not be more than a year from the date of purchase. The partially used ticket must not be more than a year from the original outbound travel date.
  • It must be separate from a group booking and vacation package.
  • Passengers must have purchased the flight ticket in the currency of US dollars.
  • For an unaccompanied minor booked other than Alaska airlines, Alaska offers no refund.

How to Request a refund from Alaska Airlines?

You can request a refund From Alaska Airlines in three ways:
Request through refund form:
As you cancel your flight, you can fill out a refund form to request a refund from Alaska Airlines in the following way:
  • Navigate through the website of Alaska Airlines,
  • Go to the Manage reservations section.
  • Log in with your Booking number present on the ticket, and also enter your last name.
  • Your ticket that appears on the screen will give the option of Cancel/Refund option.
  • As you cancel it, you can apply for a refund when you give the correct details in the refund form.
Call Alaska Airlines:
  • When you call Alaska, you can request a refund from them in the following way:
  • Visit the website of Alaska Airlines.
  • Click on the Help Center.
  • It will lead you to the contact category of Alaska.
  • Select and Dial the Alaska Airlines refund phone number 206-392-7722. The representatives of Alaska are available on phone service on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. (PST).
Send an email:
You can also email Alaska at to request a refund from Alaska. The representatives present at Alaska airlines will respond to your email to guide you through getting a refund on your purchased flight.

How long does it take to get my money from Alaska Airlines? 

To get your money back from Alaska, you can initiate your refund request as soon as you cancel your ticket. The period to get your money back depends on the payment mode you chose at the time of flight booking. For the purchase through cash, you will get the money within 20 business days. The credit card purchase gives you a refund within seven business days.

Bottom Line:

Based on their policy conditions, you can cancel and request a refund from Alaska. They give you different ways to request a refund on your purchase. You can get the refund as travel credit or cash in your original payment form. Credit card purchases take less time to get a refund than purchases made through cash.

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